

Our Sausages Selection

Us Kiwis love our sausages, and we stock a wide range of old-fashioned and upmarket snarlers to cater for all your tastes and preferences. Perfect for the BBQ or pan.

Our NZ grass-fed beef sausages are made with natural skins by our butcher here in Wellington. We have premium beef sausages, which are 95% visually lean (i.e. trim – less than 5% fat). All beef sausages are gluten free. We stock traditional beef sausages, breakfast, and party sausages – including good old saveloys.

We have fresh NZ trim pork sausages, plus pork sausages with some extra flavours. All pork sausages are gluten-free.

We also offer lean NZ lamb sausages with mint, venison sausages, and  precooked bangers sold by the kilo or in a bag of 75 (great for the family barbecue). And we also have sausage meat for DIY enthusiasts.

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