
Fish of New Zealand


We are so fortunate here in New Zealand to have such a large variety of fish available from the cool, clear waters off our shores. The New Zealand fishing industry is closely monitored and according to Seafood New Zealand, 97% of our fish catch is from sustainable stocks. The sustainability of New Zealand fish stocks … Read more

Tunisian Tarakihi on a Summer Vegetable Salad

tarakihi recipe

Serves 4 | Cooking time: 40 minutes | Method: pan fry Ingredients 4 x 180g tarakihi fillets 2 tomatoes, cut into wedges ¼ telegraph cucumber, deseeded and diced ½ yellow capsicum, sliced ½ red onion, sliced 2 tbspn fresh mint leaves, chopped 1 lemon, zest and juice 2 tbspn Italian parsley, chopped freshly ground salt … Read more

Vic’s Whitebait Fritters

vic's whitebait recipe

Method Beat 1 egg in a bowl, add 250g whitebait and season. Mix together gently with a fork. Heat a non-stick pan and add a little butter. Place dessertspoonfuls of the whitebait mixture into the pan and cook for a couple of minutes each side. Drain the fritters on paper towels. Serve with a squeeze … Read more

Herb Crusted Salmon with Roasted Red Pepper Coulis

herb crusted salmon recipe

Serves 4. Ingredients 600g fresh salmon fillet, cut into 4 pieces 2 red capsicum 1 shallot, finely diced 1 clove garlic, chopped olive oil 2/3 cup water 2 tomatoes, diced salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 slices bread, crusts removed 1 teaspoon picked fresh thyme 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 2 teaspoons snipped chives 1 … Read more

Fish Amok – Found in Cambodia

fish amok

Part of the fun of travelling is visiting local markets and sampling the local cuisines. Cambodian cuisine is traditionally simple and fresh with an emphasis on layers of flavours from fresh herbs and spices, resulting in dishes with delightfully contrasting textures and flavours. When we were in Cambodia in June 2018 we participated in a … Read more

All About Whitebait

I will always remember ordering whitebait in a restaurant in England and being shocked at what I was served. English whitebait is in fact small whole herrings, whereas our whitebait are the sprats of galaxiids. Galaxiids are slim, narrow fish with forked tails, which as adults live in freshwater rivers and lakes. This tiny fish … Read more

Seared Scallops, Haloumi, Tomato & Herb Salsa

scallop recipe

Ingredients Salad 1 tomato, finely diced ¼ red onion, finely diced 6 chives, finely diced ½ yellow pepper, finely diced 2 tomatoes, seeded and cut into very thin wedges (strips) Balsamic reduction glaze Scallops 16 scallops, roe on (4 per person) Cracked black pepper & flaky sea salt Extra virgin olive oil 200g haloumi cheese … Read more

New Zealand Scallops – Sensational Scallops

new zealand scallops

Every seafood-lover has their favourite scallop recipe. New Zealand scallops are some of the best in the world and are found around our coasts in sandbanks and mudbanks of sheltered bays. They lie in the seabed with the flat shell facing upwards and are found singly or in group beds. New Zealand scallops are caught … Read more