New Zealand Scallops – Sensational Scallops

new zealand scallops

Every seafood-lover has their favourite scallop recipe. New Zealand scallops are some of the best in the world and are found around our coasts in sandbanks and mudbanks of sheltered bays. They lie in the seabed with the flat shell facing upwards and are found singly or in group beds.

New Zealand scallops are caught commercially through dredging. Harvesting is tightly managed in terms of season, hours of fishing and a quota system. The main dredging areas are Tasman Bay, Golden Bay, Marlborough Sounds, the Coromandel and Northland coasts. The scallops we stock are harvested from the pristine seas around Coromandel and Golden Bay and sent by our suppliers within hours to reach you at optimum freshness.

The scallop season varies from region to region and there can be closures. If you’re thinking of collecting scallops yourself, check the Ministry for Primary Industries website for bag limits, closures, and the season for your area. Check the current rules and information here.

Scallops should look plump and fresh with no discolouration or dryness when you buy them. They should also smell slightly sweet. Generally, scallops will last a few days in the fridge, but as with any seafood the general rule is cook and eat it within a day or so of purchase to ensure optimum freshness and flavour.

Scallops are best cooked gently and quickly over a high heat and removed as soon as the flesh changes from translucent to white. They are delicious sautéed or grilled however, can also be poached or added to paellas, pasta and risottos.