
Citrus and Herb Pork Belly Strips

citrus pork belly bbq recipe

Ingredients 500g boneless New Zealand pork belly, sliced into thin strips. Zest and juice of 1 orange Zest of 1 lemon 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 20g fennel fronds 20g Italian parsley 20g mint leaves 1 tsp flaky sea salt 1 tsp cracked black pepper Method Lay the pork strips into a deep dish … Read more

How To Marinate Meat

marinate meat

Seems simple enough – mix the marinade and add the meat. Make the most of your summer marinades with these suggestions. The secret to tasty marinated meat is time. For optimum results, you need to allow enough time for the meat to soak up the flavours of the marinade. Marinades that are herb and spice … Read more

Cajun Blackened Grilled Pork Fillets

pork fillet recipe

Ingredients 4 x NZ pork fillets, approx. 150-180g each ½ tsp salt Black pepper Juice and grated rind of 1 orange ½ cup tomato sauce or ketchup ½ cup balsamic vinegar Small bunch fresh thyme 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped 1 tbsp smoked paprika 1 tsp fennel seeds 1 tsp cumin seeds 3 cloves Method … Read more

Sweet Chilli, Soy and Sesame Beef Ribs

beef ribs

Prep time: 1 hour | Cook: 12 mins | Serves 4 | Excellent source of iron There’s something delicious about eating meat off the bone and these BBQ short ribs are the perfect way to do so. Ingredients Beef short ribs (10 to 12) ½ cup sweet chilli sauce ¼ cup tomato sauce ¼ cup soy sauce … Read more

Easter & Christmas Butterflied Lamb Leg

butterfied lamb leg

Prep time: 10 mins | Cook: 30 mins + resting time | Serves 6 | Good source of iron Great for times of the year such as Christmas and Easter when you’re going to have a throng around the dining table, and “leftovers” are brilliant – for example, cold lamb sandwiches for lunch. You can … Read more

Tips For Top Marinades And Rubs

tips for marinades

With the BBQ being my best cooking mate over the next few months, I like to have a few different marinades and rub ideas so we’re not serving up just more of the same plain meat on the BBQ. A decent marinade or rub can enhance the meat and makes your guests think you’ve gone … Read more

BBQ Lamb Leg with Spinach and Lentil Salad

bbq lamb

Prep time: 10 mins | Cook: 40 mins | Serves 4-6 | Great source of iron Ingredients 1.5 kg Quality Mark butterflied leg of lamb 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil 4 stalks fresh thyme, leaves removed 3 stalks fresh rosemary, leaves remove, roughly chopped 1 small red onion, finely chopped 1 small carrot, finely … Read more