Defrosting, Stuffing and Cooking a Turkey

cooking a turkey nz

Defrosting a turkey

Make sure you get your turkey early enough so you have enough time to defrost it.

Defrost your turkey in the fridge as this allows even, safe defrosting in summer temperatures. Allow it to defrost for 2-3 days before you want to cook it.

Place in a dish with sides to catch the juices released as it defrosts.

Keep the dish on the lowest shelf on the fridge away from other cooked meats and vegetables.

Once your turkey is defrosted, remove the giblets from inside the turkey cavity – a treat for your pet!

Stuffing your turkey

Season the main cavity lightly with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Make your favourite stuffing recipe or check out some of our Christmas turkey stuffing ideas.

Loosely spoon the stuffing into the body and neck cavities. This allows for the distribution of heat and room for the stuffing to expand. Don’t pack it too tightly.

You can stitch the skin together using a trussing needle and heat-resistant string in order to completely close the cavity.

Turkey cooking times

Cooking time will depend on the size of your turkey and your oven, so check out the instructions on the packaging. Here’s a rough guide:

  • Turkey size 4–4.5, cooking time 2 hours 45 mins.
  • Turkey size 5–5.5, cooking time 3 hours.
  • Turkey size 6–6.5, cooking time 3 hours 10 mins.

To see that your turkey is cooked, insert a skewer into the thickest part of the meat and check that the juices are clear (just as you would do with a chicken).

Keep your turkey warm and let it rest for at least 15 minutes to absorb all the juices.

Sit down with family and friends and enjoy your efforts!

We sell whole frozen turkeys for your Christmas feast!