Who Doesn’t Love Pies?

It’s a Kiwi thing, right? I have New Zealand friends living in the US who can never find a decent pie. One of the first things they when they arrive back in NZ (when they can get here of course) is to find a tasty Kiwi pie.

Pies are a great meal in winter; in fact pies are great at any time. And homemade ones are even better. For easy meals on a hectic night or one you can’t be bothered cooking on, make a batch of pies and pop them in the freezer.

What are the best cuts to use in pies? The obvious one is mince – whether it be beef, lamb or venison mince, but a pie can be so much more. Try different cuts of meat, poached and shredded chicken, and seafood.

Here’s a few pie ideas we have found to whet your appetite and satisfy your pie craving: