We are so fortunate here in New Zealand to have such a large variety of fish available from the cool, clear waters off our shores. The New Zealand fishing industry is closely monitored and according to Seafood New Zealand, 97% of our fish catch is from sustainable stocks.
The sustainability of New Zealand fish stocks is ensured through a world-leading Quota Management System (QMS) that controls harvest levels for each fish species and area. Hence we are ranked among the best fishing performance countries in the world.
Seafood is a highly nutritous food and an excellent source of protein. Most varieties are low in saturated fat and provide our bodies with a good source of Omega 3. Fish is generally a good source of selenium, vitamin B12 and vitamin D. It also provides us with iodine, vitamin B3, and potassium.
All Meat Direct fish is purchased to order from one of our local fish suppliers. This ensures you are receiving the freshest possible fish, which is usually off the boat that morning!
Our most popular seller is tarakihi, which are found most abundantly in Cook Strait and around the East Cape. Like most species, tarakihi fishing is closely monitored, and quotas managed to ensure it remains a sustainable fish.
Tarakihi is a medium to firm moist white fish. To check your tarakihi is fresh, it should look semi-transparent and glossy. Your tarakihi can be cooked using a diverse range of methods, including baked, panfried, poached, marinated, barbecued, and in soups. Check out this Tunisian-spiced tarakihi recipe for a delicious summer meal.